Math Flash Cards

Kids Math



Big Number Flash Cards


Negative Numbers

Decimals & Percentages

Exponents & Radicals


Teacher's Index

Mr. Martini's Classroom supplements academic instruction. It provides opportunities to practice arithmetic and to reinforce math facts that the student has learned from teachers in the classroom, parents at home, or learning focused media on the Internet. The focus of Mr. Martini's Classroom is on elementary arithmetic and math practice. Topics include counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, inequalities, fractions, decimals, exponents, radicals, negative numbers, and percents.

Many of the interactive exercises are self-paced, have selectable levels of difficulty, and are provided in both color and black & white in the hope they will be accessible to more students. Additionally, we try to make some of the math exercises self-explanatory so they might be usable by non-English speakers.

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