Press here to CLOSE XSubtraction - Subtracting Tens
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Practice subtracting multiples of ten from two digit numbers. The ones digit in the minuend (the top number) will be the same as the ones digit in the difference (the answer). After typing the ones digit in the answer, press the left arrow key to move to the space for the tens digit. Then just subtract the tens digit in the subtrahend (the second number, in the middle) from the tens digit in the minuend to determine the tens digit in the difference.
Type the correct answer and the word "Correct!" displays. Use the reset button

, click on the subtraction problem, or press the ENTER or RETURN key to reset the problem.
Move the pointer over the ? for help.
Click the yellow check mark to keep score! Click the + or - by the #10 to pick the number of problems to score.
After resetting,the left counter increments for a correct answer; the right for each attempt.
"Correct!" does not appear when in score keeping mode. If the answer is wrong, the correct one will display on reset.
A score is shown when you've completed number of problems you selected.
If the math symbols spin too long, press the reset button to try again.
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