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For mobile devices tap the sum area to activate the keyset. Browser text size should be set to normal or medium.
Add and type the ones digit first. If it is correct and requires you to carry the one, the one will appear above the tens digit of the top number. Press the left arrow button to move to the tens place. When you type the correct digit, if it requires carrying a 1 into the hundreds place it will appear above and to the left of the top number. This represents that you need to carry a 1 into the hundreds place. If so, press the left arrow and type 1 in the hundreds place. "Correct!" displays when you have the correct answer. Use reset

, click the problem, or press the ENTER or RETURN key to try another one.
Move the pointer over the ? for help.
Click the yellow check to track how many you get correct. Select the number of tries you want to track by clicking - or + by the #10.
When resetting, the first counter counts correct answers; the right one counts the number of math problems you've tried.
The "Correct!" mark will not appear when using the counters, but if your answer is incorrect then the correct answer displays. When complete, your score is shown.
If the math symbols spin, and spin, and spin, click the reset button.
Click the teacher's apple

to go to the
math flash cards home page. Click on "Addition With Carrying" in the home page's right column for a great math teaching tool.