Press here to CLOSE XVertical Addition of 3 Numbers
For mobile devices tap the sum area to activate the keyset. Browser text size should be set to normal or medium.
Practice 3 number vertical addition math problems. Add three numbers from 0 to 9.
If you type the correct sum, the word "Correct!" displays.
Select the largest addend using the radio buttons on the bottom of the page. You can make the largest addend a number from 4 up to 9. Then, press the reset button

, click on the 3 number addition problem, or press the ENTER or RETURN key to set a new problem.
The Backspace button may be used to erase an answer. Put pointer over the yellow ? for help.
Click the yellow check to keep score! Pick the number of problems to count by clicking up and down by the #10 default.
After answering a problem, reset it. Each time you reset the problem,
the left counter increases for a correct answer; the right for each problem you've done.
The "Correct!" mark does not appear when keeping score. However, if an answer is incorrect, then the correct answer will display on the bottom
right when you reset the problem.
When finished, your score will be shown.
The spinning math signs mean we're waiting on the server - if it goes too long, you can try pressing the reset button again.
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